To many of us, Social Media is a venue where one can share their views, no matter how favorable or abrasive, the only reaction is the disagreement from one’s friends or followers. At this perfect place to express your opinions, most of us ignore the fact that we are being read by the people with … More “VOICELESS”

Be Careful

Freedom of speech is a gift that each and every individual has. It should not be something that is withheld from a person, forbidding to speak. Forbidding to use the attribute that God has blessed upon us, which is using words. It is something that should be fought for when it is being taken away. … More Be Careful

Your way.

They say actions speak louder then words. Words define your actions? So indirectly if every action has a reaction then the reaction is triggered by words. You think you’ve seen things from your own shoes why don’t you try and step the game up like what’s number two. What you think is way different then … More Your way.